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Become Craftsman

Empower your business on the next level

Personal information

Personal details used by website to recognize you like craftsman later.

person Your name
person Surname
person Your username
markunread Your account email address
lock Your password
lock Repeat password

Business Information

Business details are details connected to your business, some of those details you can change later in your profile, like images, video, categories and so on.

business Your business name
email On this email you will receive job invitations
keyboard_arrow_down - Choose at least one category, click on + sign to add more
gps_not_fixed place Pick your business address, click on blue icon so we can geolocate you
phone Please type your phone number
link Please type link to your website
videocam camera Please type link to your promo video


Please choose your payment method here and make payment

You have to choose payment to progress


After clicking finish you will receive notification email with confirmation link, please click on it to activate your profile.

All fields marked by * are mandatory!
PayPal is unavailable at the moment, please try again later
Bank Name Account Name Account Number Sort Number IBAN BIC/Swift
Bank Name Bank Account Name 123-5678-123 345 99 CNA768